Two weeks ago I contacted you through your contact form on your Milda website. Unfortunately I have received no response.
But I can see (using Google Analytics) that you have been visiting this blog quite a lot, after I posted my enquiry here. Alas, also without leaving a response - but I imagine that may be due to language difficulties, as you have mostly been visiting from the UK.
So I will repeat my question here, in English, as circumstances unfortunately hasn't changed:
Some months ago, in late October or early November, you aired some commercials on the Danish tv-staion TV2, for your brand Milda. In these commercials you claimed, that by using your product you would receive a lot of Omega-3 and sex.
I have been using your product for 2½ months now, and while I probably got a lot of Omega-3 (hooray!), I still haven't been getting any sex. And now I'm growing impatient - which is why I am trying to contact you.
Could you please tell me, how long am I supposed to be using your product before I can count on a beneficial outcome sex-wise? I mean, I'm willing to do a lot, but shouldn't it have been working by now?
I really would appreciate an answer - otherwise I will have to contact the Danish Forbrugerombudsmand ( = consumer ombudsman).
If you are not comfortable answering on this blog, you can email me privately - you can find my email in my profile.
Best Regards
Leoparddrengen ( = the Leopard Boy)
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